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Participate In One Of
Cassandra Mack's Challenges

What's The Science Behind
Cassandra Mack's Challenges?

Research suggests that it takes about 21 days to start the process of building a new habit or changing an old one. It takes about 40 consecutive days to solidify a new habit into a lasting behavioral change. The Bible says to be transformed by the renewing of the mind (Romans 12: 2).  


Cassandra Mack's Challenges are all about cultivating inner wealth & leaning into personal transformation through the renewing of the mind & self-mastery skills. Her challenges are meant to help you jumpstart the process of an ongoing journey towards your personal development & spiritual growth.

Learning To Love Yourself In A Healthy & Godly Way 
14 Day Self-Love Challenge

​Beginning February 1, 2025 we will be kicking off our Learning To Love Yourself 14-Day Self-Love Challenge where we will be doing one thing per day to apply the Biblical love scripture in 1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 8  as it relates to learning how to properly love ourselves in a healthy and godly way every day for 14 days in a row.

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To participate in this CHALLENGE, the instructions are simple:

1.) Download & Print the FREE 14 Day Self-Love Challenge PDF  and follow the instructions on the PDF

2.) Document Your Journey: Make a short video of yourself each day of this challenge sharing your experience 

  • Post the video on your TikTok, Instagram or whatever social media platforms you're on.

  • Tag Cassandra Mack on TikTok, Instagram and Facebook. Use the hashtags #SelfLoveChallenge    #14DaySelfLoveChallenge   #CassandraMack  #CassandraMackMinistries   so that everyone who is on this journey can find each other's videos and learn from everyone's experience.  

3.) Invite a friend or get the whole family involved in the challenge

4.) To dive even deeper into learning how to correctly love yourself, pick up Cassandra Mack's book at Amazon, Because You're Worth It Self Love Workbook 

5.) Be encouraged with ...Cassandra Mack's song, Be The Light and play it every morning during this Challenge


***​For those of you who would like to dive deeper in your success join our Leaders Circle or Wednesday Wellness Club through my YouTube Channel Membership (at the Wellness Tier) and get access to our live conference calls, members only videos & our Members Only Classes .

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