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Cassandra Mack's Challenges
& Global Prayer Movements

What's The Science Behind
Cassandra Mack's Challenges?

Research suggests that it takes about 21 days to start the process of building a new habit or changing an old one. It takes about 40 consecutive days to solidify a new habit into a lasting behavioral change. The Bible says to be transformed by the renewing of the mind (Romans 12: 2).  


Cassandra Mack's Challenges are all about cultivating inner wealth & leaning into personal transformation through the renewing of the mind & self-mastery skills. Her challenges are meant to help you jumpstart the process of an ongoing journey towards your personal development & spiritual growth.

Need help with prayer? Pick up my book, Simple Prayers To Pray When You Don't Know What To Say

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Be The Light For Your City
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Pray For Your City

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Beginning February 10, 2025 we will be kicking off our Pray For Your City: Global Prayer Movement 



Have you ever considered praying for your city? What about the street you live on, your neighborhood, the schools in your city?

Whatever city you live in, you can choose to be a powerful Believer who takes the Word of God and uses it like a sword to intercede spiritually for change in your city ...even if the change starts on your street or block.

Believe it or not: When you pray for your city, you have already begun to reach it. Because you are setting a chain of events in motion spiritually for the betterment of your city: one block at a time, one street corner at a time, one day at a time ...even one soul at a time.

Ever wonder why there is so much corruption, violence, and devastation in our cities today? The enemy has steadily crept in more and more each day. Every believer is called to intercede for the city they live in. Throughout Bible history, there were prayer warriors who arose to pray for the people as well as the issues affecting their city.

The Bible encourages us to pray for our land and especially for those in positions of leadership. I Timothy 2:1-2 says by doing so we will live quiet, peaceful lives. “First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercessions, and thanks be offered on behalf of all people, even for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity”

Here at Cassandra Mack Ministries we will be praying for the cities we live in every Monday at either 6am or 6pm until Monday, March 21, 2025 (the day after resurrection Sunday).

We will be doing so informally – meaning that if you want to participate in our Global Prayer Movement to pray for your city, simply choose to pray for your city every Monday at either 6am or at 6pm (your choice of time from the two time options) until March 21, 2025. If you want to continue praying for your city after March 21, 2025 by all means please do so

Here Are Just A Few Prayer Points You May Want To Consider As You Pray For Your City:

  • Pray for the safety, protection and wellbeing of those who live and work in your city

  • Pray for the churches and pastors in your city

  • Pray for the administrators, teachers, support staff, and students of your city’s schools

  • Pray for city officials in your city (mayor, councilmen, boards, etc.) to serve the people with Godly wisdom and with integrity

  • Pray for the protection of your police, fire, and other emergency services and personnel

  • Pray for the local businesses in your city to prosper and create job opportunities for people in your city

  • Pray for any problem areas such as crime, unemployment, lack of resources for youth, seniors etc.

  • Pray for your own neighborhood

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