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Good Friday Is A Great Day To Go On A Prayer Walk

Cassandra Mack

This year Good Friday is on Friday, April 7, 2023. As we approach Good Friday, we should do so in remembrance of the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for mankind.

Good Friday begins our celebration of the most momentous three days in our world’s history. As we honor Jesus’ passion and crucifixion, let us not forget what He went through to demonstrate His great love for us. Romans 5:8 (NIV)But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Have you ever wondered what’s so good about Good Friday? Christians around the world use this term Good Friday to remember the day that Jesus was crucified and laid down his life for mankind. Good Friday is a very special day because without the crucifixion there would be no resurrection, and without the resurrection there would be no Christianity. You see, without this day there would be no ...Resurrection Day.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the very foundation of our faith. For us as Believers, the most significant day of our faith is the day that Jesus rose from the dead, having conquered death, hell and the grave. But without His death there could be no resurrection, which is why Good Friday is so significant. Jesus talked quite a bit about his death and his resurrection throughout the gospels so that his disciples would be prepared to continue His mission and ministry back then and for generations to come.

Jesus taught that our prayers should extend beyond our own desires and needs. His mission while on Earth was to save the lost, and we have the opportunity to follow Him in that work, by praying for others. Praying for the needs of others helps us to take the focus off of self and become more intentional about loving our neighbors. A great way to pray for the needs of others is by going on a prayer walk and opening your eyes and your heart to the needs of others. Good Friday is a great day to go for a prayer walk.

What Is Prayer Walking?

Prayer walking is a type of reflective prayer that involves walking to or near a place of your choosing while praying. As you prayer walk, your prayers extend beyond focusing solely on your own needs to the needs and concerns of others. It's about opening your heart to the needs of your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, your community, your city, and the world as a whole.

Here's an example of how you might be led to pray while prayer walking: If you walk through your neighborhood looking for things to pray about, you might notice people who are homeless or you may notice a hospital. This might prompt you to pray for the homeless and to pray for the sick. Some people prayer walk around schools, prompting prayer for the children and school faculty. These are just a few examples of how you might be led to pray.

Biblical Examples

In the book of Nehemiah we see an individual with a heart to make a difference. Before Nehemiah ever set foot in Jerusalem, the Bible tells us he wept, mourned, fasted and prayed for the city (Nehemiah 1:4). When he finally arrived, he saw the condition of the burned city gates, as had others before him, but the difference with Nehemiah was he wanted to make a change and he did.

You may not think that you can make a difference, but you can because prayer changes things. Prayer opens your heart to the needs of others and enables you to let God use you to be a difference maker in this world. With that being said, following are a few suggestions if you would like to consider going on a prayer walk on Good Friday.

Suggestions If You're Interested In Going On A Good Friday Prayer Walk

I. What To Do Before The Prayer Walk

Read The Gospel accounts of Jesus’ Crucifixion. Then meditate on Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice for mankind and what this means for your personally in your faith walk as a Believer.

(Matthew 27:27-44; Mark 15:16-32; Luke 23:26-43; John 19:16-27)

II. Suggestions For Going On A Prayer Walk On Good Friday

1. Decide on a start time for your Good Friday Prayer Walk on Friday, April 7, 2023.

2. Select a meeting location of where you are going to meet if you are walking with others.

3. Decide on your walking route. Where will you be walking? In the park, in the downtown district of your city, to and from a well-known location in your area.

4. If you are walking with others, safely gather and decide on your walking route.

5. Write down the 8 prayer points below on a sheet of paper, index card or sticky notes or you can copy & paste them in your phone so that you have them readily available for the Good Friday Prayer Walk.

6. If you have health issues that prevent you from walking, know that you can simply pray the 8 prayer points from your home on Good Friday. (Don't forget to post pics on social media using the hashtags #GoodFridayPrayerWalk #CassandraMackMinistries if you are able to do so)

7. Post pictures or a video of your Good Friday Prayer Walk on your social media platforms with the hashtags: #GoodFridayPrayerWalk #CassandraMackMinistries

  • Your pics and or videos are a wonderful way for you to share your faith journey publicly while creating visual memories that you were part of a faith-based activity to spread love through prayer.


1. Pray For Those Who Have Been Falsely Accused & Unjustly Treated

2. Pray For Those Who Are Carrying Heavy Burdens

3. Praying For Those Who Are Weeping/Mourning/Grieving

4. Pray For Those Who Have Been Stripped of Their Dignity

5. Pray For Those Who Are Suffering

6. Pray For Those who Are Displaced & Oppressed

7. Pray For Peace (Peace Among The Nations, Peace For Those Whose Lives Have Been Thrown Into Chaos)

8. Pray For Faith, Love & Hope (For Yourself & Others)

As you are doing your walk, you will stop along your walk a total of 8 times to say a prayer for each of the 8 prayer points, or you can come up with your own prayer points if you wish.

{{{Remember}}} - Prayer is simply talking to God, so don't be nervous to pray these prayer points. Simply speak from your heart and pray about these topic areas as you feel led. You can pray aloud or silently in your head. If you are walking with a group you can stop for each prayer point and lead the group in a brief prayer or group members can take turns leading the group in a prayer covering each prayer point. It's totally up to you.

If you would like a little help to jumpstart your prayer life, you can pick up one of my books in the Simple Prayers Series


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