One of the biggest challenges in our spiritual lives as Believers is not just to pray, but to believe that we will receive what we ask for when we pray. The Scriptures tell us time and time again that belief is one of the most significant aspects of effective prayer and that our faith in God through Christ makes us well or whole.
Matthew 21:22 says “And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” This scripture is a promise to all Believers. Therefore when we pray with full belief we will receive as long as it lines up with God's word and will for our lives. This means even when the answer is "No" or "Not Now" we can fully trust that God knows what's best for us and that he is directing our lives in the direction of His overall plan and purpose for our lives.
Do you pray with belief or do you pray with doubt? The good news is if you've been praying with doubt, you can choose to change this today by deciding to pray with belief. At any time you can decide to pray with belief because contrary to popular opinion, belief is not a feeling is a choice that is backed by your consistent action. God hears you when you pray!
Many of the world’s religions encourage people to pray, but it is only the Bible that requires the follower of Christ to make the shift from prayer alone into believing that we have received what we’ve asked for in prayer. This is a radical concept that takes the emphasis of prayer away from the prayer itself and places the emphasis on developing the mindset and heart posture of actually trusting that God is who He says He is and that He can do what the Bible says He can do and that you are who God says you are in the scriptures. Other religious systems are often content with going through the motions of prayer, but the Christian believer must take their prayer life to the next level, by aligning their thoughts and their actions with the prayers that they pray. For example if you prayed about getting a job – to pray this prayer with belief you would also align your actions with one who was confidently seeking a job. You would get your resume together, do a job search and go on interviews until you laned a job even if it takes a while.
God is always alongside us and with us. Anyone can pray, at any time and in any place. So today start praying with belief.
Join the thousands of people who are enjoying the beauty of simple prayers by picking up one of my Simple Prayer Books. Be blessed and make it your business to be a blessing wherever you go.
