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Join Us Virtually On April 15, 2022 For A Good Friday Prayer Walk

Cassandra Mack

Here’s How Our Good Friday Prayer Walk Will Work

On Friday April 15, 2022 join us virtually from wherever you are by posting your pics and videos of your prayer walk with the hashtag: #GoodFridayPrayerWalk #CassandraMackMinistries. Be sure to use the hashtags so that others can see your prayer walk pics.

I. What To Do Before The Prayer Walk

Read The Gospel accounts of Jesus’ Crucifixion. Then meditate on Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice for mankind and what this means for your personally in your faith walk as a Believer.

(Matthew 27:27-44; Mark 15:16-32; Luke 23:26-43; John 19:16-27)

II. How To Participate In Cassandra Mack Ministries Good Friday Virtual Prayer Walk

1. Decide on a start time for your Good Friday Prayer Walk on Friday, April 15, 2022.

2. Pick a meeting location of where you are going to meet if you are walking with others.

3. Chart your course of where you will be walking to.

4. If you are walking with others, safely gather and make sure to follow the social distancing protocols for your state/province.

5. Write down the 8 prayer points below on a sheet of paper, index card or sticky notes or you can copy & paste them in your phone so that you have them readily available for the Good Friday Prayer Walk.

6. If you have health issues that prevent you from walking for 60-minutes, consult with your primary care doctor and do what you can. In you have severe health challenges and would like to participate, know that you can simply pray the 8 prayer points from your home on Good Friday. (Don't forget to post pics on social media using the hashtags #GoodFridayPrayerWalk #CassandraMackMinistries if you are able to do so)

7. Post pictures or a video of your Good Friday Prayer Walk on your social media platforms with the hashtags:

  • Using the above mentioned hashtags will allow Cassandra Mack and those who are part of our community to know that you participated in the Good Friday Prayer Walk with Cassandra Mack Ministries. Plus your pics and or videos are a wonderful way for you to share your faith journey publicly while creating visual memories that you were part of a faith-based movement created to spread love through prayer.

III. The 8 Prayer Points

During our Good Friday Virtual Prayer Walk we will be praying the following prayer points as a ministry. You can jot these prayer points down or copy & paste them in your phone to use as a springboard for the issues that you will be praying about during your walk.

  • Remember - prayer is simply talking to God, so don't be nervous to pray these prayer points. Simply speak from your heart and pray about these topic areas as you feel led. You can pray aloud or silently in your head. If you are walking with a group you can stop for each prayer point and lead the group in a brief prayer or group members can take turns leading the group in a prayer covering each prayer point. It's totally up to you. If you would like a little help to jumpstart your prayer life, you can pick up my book, Simple Prayers To Pray When You Don't Know What To Say

1. Pray For Those Who Have Been Falsely Accused & Unjustly Treated

2. Pray For Those Who Are Carrying Heavy Burdens

3. Praying For Those Who Are Weeping/Mourning/Grieving

4. Pray For Those Who Have Been Stripped of Their Dignity

5. Pray For Those Who Are Suffering

6. Pray For Those who Are Unjustly Treated, Displaced & Oppressed In Any Way

7. Pray For Peace (Peace Among The Nations, Peace For Those Whose Lives Have Been Thrown Into Chaos)

8. Pray For Faith, Love & Hope (For Yourself & Others)

The Historical Reference

Walking the Stations of the Cross is a traditional and biblically-based practice that originated during the Crusades, at the beginning of the 13th century. The walk gives Christians a time and place to pause and reflect on Christ’s ultimate sacrifice before His victory over death.

There is debate among Bible theologians about how many stations of the cross there are. Bible scholars say between 7 and 14. However, there are 8 biblically referenced events depicted in the Stations of the Cross that are described in the Gospels. The eight biblically referenced Stations of the Cross are as follows: With these 8 biblically referenced stations of the cross in mind, during our Good Friday Prayer Walk we will be praying 8 Prayer Points to correlate with the following 8 stations of cross events in the life of Jesus.

1. Jesus is given the death sentence of crucifixion

2. Simon of Cyrene carries the cross for Jesus

3. The women wail and weep as they follow Jesus

4. Jesus’ clothes are removed

5. Jesus is nailed to the cross

6. Jesus dies on the cross

7. Jesus is taken off the cross

8. Jesus is buried in a tomb

  • If you would like to sow a Good Friday Seed into the flow of this anointing to Cassandra Mack Ministries, you can do so at the following link: Sowing My Good Friday Seed. You can also attach your personal prayer request to your Good Friday Seed by sending Minister Mack your personal prayer request at the following link: My Personal Prayer Request


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