Romans 5:8 (NIV) “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Today is Good Friday. Good Friday begins our celebration of the most momentous three days in our world’s history. Today commemorates Jesus Christ’s triumph over death and God’s plan to deliver the world from the oppression of sin. Today, as we honor Jesus’ passion and crucifixion, let us not forget what He went through to demonstrate His great love for us.
Have you ever wondered what’s so good about Good Friday? Christians around the world use this term Good Friday to remember the day that Jesus was crucified and laid down his life for mankind. Good Friday is a very special day because without the crucifixion there would be no resurrection, and without the resurrection there would be no Christianity. You see, without this day there would be no ...Resurrection Day.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the very foundation of our faith. For us as Believers, the most significant day of our faith is the day that Jesus rose from the dead, having conquered death, hell and the grave. But without His death there could be no resurrection, which is why Good Friday is so significant. Jesus talked quite a bit about his death and his resurrection throughout the gospels so that his disciples would be prepared to continue His mission and ministry back then and for generations to come.
To commemorate this day you are invited to participate in our GOOD FRIDAY VIRTUAL PRAYER WALK
1,) You will be walking from wherever you are on Good Friday.
2.) You will choose the time of day that you will be going on your prayer walk on Good Friday.
3.) You will choose your walking route for the Good Friday virtual Prayer walk.
4.) Each of us will be praying the 8 PRAYER POINTS listed below on our respective prayer walks on Good Friday. This means that during your prayer walk you will pause along the way a total of 8 times to say a little prayer of your choosing for each of the Prayer Points/ Prayer Topics. ( You can pray aloud or silently in your head. It's your prayer walk and your time to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for mankind.
5.) Remember to take pics or even better make a short video & post your footage on your social media using the hashtags #GoodFridayPrayerWalk #CassandraMackMinistries so that we can see your footage and know that you participated in the Good Friday Prayer Walk.
6.) I will be going LIVE ON FACEBOOK with my GOOD FRIDAY PRAYER WALK. You are invited to join me on the Facebook Live at the start time listed on the flyer.
1. Pray For Those Who Have Been Falsely Accused & Unjustly Treated
2. Pray For Those Who Are Carrying Heavy Burdens
3. Praying For Those Who Are Weeping/Mourning/Grieving
4. Pray For Those Who Have Been Stripped of Their Dignity
5. Pray For Those Who Are Suffering
6. Pray For Those who Are Displaced & Oppressed
7. Pray For Peace (Peace Among The Nations, Peace For Those Whose Lives Have Been Thrown Into Chaos)
8. Pray For Faith, Love & Hope (For Yourself & Others)
The way this works is you are doing your walk, you will stop along your walk a total of 8 times to say a quick prayer for each of the 8 prayer points. Your walk should last anywhere from 30 minutes to 60 minutes depending on where you elect to walk, how long you stop to pray for each prayer point (roughly 30 seconds to about a minute or two per prayer point) and how fast or slow you walk.
{{{Remember}}} - prayer is simply talking to God, so don't be nervous to pray these prayer points. Simply speak from your heart and pray about these topic areas as you feel led. You can pray aloud or silently in your head. If you are walking with a group you can stop for each prayer point and lead the group in a brief prayer or group members can take turns leading the group in a prayer covering each prayer point. It's totally up to you.
If you would like a little help to jumpstart your prayer life, you can pick up my book, Simple Prayers To Pray
When You Don't Know What To Say available at Amazon at the following link: Order Your Copy Today
***For More Information About Our GOOD FRIDAY VIRTUAL PRAYER WALK you go to the following link: Good Friday Virtual Prayer Walk
Much Love,
Cassandra Mack